تفسیر آزمایش پاتولوژی

نام ارسال کننده محرمانه می باشد 160 بازدید

سلام برای مادرم پاتولوژی انجام شده ویزیت رو سه شنبه هفته بعد گذاشتند میشه تفسیرش رو انجام بدید تا هفته بعد از استرس میمیرم ،مادرم ۶۵ ساله هستند.

Macroscopic Description:

Received in formalin in 2 containers consist of:

1-(Labeled as endocervix): Several bits of cream-brown gelatinous tissue totally

measuring 0.5x0.5x0.3cm. S.O.S:M/1 S:100%

2-(Labeled as cervix, 5 o'clock): 2 bits of cream soft tissue together measuring

0.3x0.3x0.2cm. S.O.S: 2/1 S:100%

Microscopic Description:

1-Sections from endocervical curettage reveal fragmented endocervical glands lined by a layer of mucin producing columnar cells with mild lymphoplasmacytic ir Itration in subepithelium. Nabothian cyst content is also present.

2-Sections reveal endocervical glands and fragmented exocervical tissue with mild neutrophilic and lymphoplasmacytic infiltration in subepithelium. koilocytosis is not



1-Endocervix, Curettage:

-Chronic endocervicitis

-Nabothian cyst content

2-Uterin cervix, Curettage:

-Acute on chronic cervicitis

-Koilocytic change: Absent

اطلاعات تکمیلی

سن ۶۵ جنسیت زن وضعیت تاهل متاهل
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